Creative Inspiration in Japan
As a kid, I loved cartoons, comic books and Pokémon. So, it’s no surprise that I’ve been keen to visit Japan – the home of Manga – for years, and it did not disappoint.
10 Lessons Learnt from 10 Years Running a Creative Business
As Oldmangrey Illustration is turning 10 years old this month, I wanted to share 10 of the lessons I’ve learnt (so far!) running a small creative business…
Rest, Recharge, Create: The Benefits of a Well-Deserved Holiday.
Highlighting the importance of taking a break from work and creative thinking, and the benefits of producing creative work while in a different environment and routine.
Five books to read in 2023
I’m proud that reading is now not only a part of my morning routine, but a wider part of my life too: I listen to books on Audible while out walking Pip or when driving, and I’ve built reading into my evening routine…trying to do that good thing of putting away the screens before going to sleep! As a published children’s book illustrator, it’s lovely to think my artwork is helping to engage new generations in the joy of reading, stories, and using their imagination.